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20131210 SCMP "Team Taikoo put their art into it for charity"

... ...People on Board, a social enterprise which makes board games designed by students, was asked by Swire Properties to design the tasks for the activity. It also created a board game based on the artwalk, which was given to the participants for free.

"Our idea was to enhance relationships between parents and children," said Tony Siu Wing-him, an education student who was involved in dreaming up the artwalk tasks.

Thomas Wong Chung-hang, who founded People on Board, says the idea struck him when he worked as a social worker and wanted to help youngsters wean themselves off video games.


20131208 蘋果日報 《親子大作戰 太古坊當棋盤》

【本報訊】聖誕將至,太古地產與東涌社企「樂在棋中」昨日合辦「聖誕老人藝遊港島東」活動,與數十個家庭提早慶祝。200人化身真人棋子,遊走在太古坊數十個藝術品之間,如「基地遊戲」般在限時內完成任務。負責設計活動的樂在棋中團隊,原來是桌上遊戲(board game)專家,創辦人希望教家長與子女們,少打機、多互動,透過「桌遊」共享更親密的親子時間。... ... (按此閱讀全文)

20130630 亞洲電視《ATV2013感動香港週人物推選》第09集

20130628 星島日報《「樂在棋中」親子共玩樂悠悠》

20130601 樂鋒報 《機不可失》

20130515 經濟日報《中學生創家庭棋‧緊貼港文化》

20130315 時代漫遊Dice第13期  《港環保》

20130308 有線電視《小事大意義》




20130201 樂鋒報 《張保仔傳說》